日本人妻 の共著
<日本語 ⇔ 英語>と読み比べることで、英語脳の練習ができます
アメリカ人の夫にインタビュー【ワクチン体験:予約から接種まで】← ネイティブの発音 で聴ける オーディオ付き
「文法を学ぶための例文」ばかり勉強していませんか? ここではアメリカ人が、友人や同僚と普通に話している時の「自然な日常会話の表現」を聴くことができます
聴き取れない… スペルが分からない… というストレス ZERO! インタビュー全英文を 文字で読めます
辞書で調べても 単語の意味がたくさんあり過ぎて…どう訳せばいいのか分からない… そんなストレスも解消! インタビュー全英文を 和訳しました
細かなニュアンスも伝わるよう 丁寧に翻訳しています
英単語だけでなく、アメリカ英語 についても解説
(West Coast, USA)
We were welcomed by a super-hyper nurse at the vaccination site which was playing rock and reggae music.
We could make an appointment at the Drive-Thru Vaccination Site. When we got there, there was a long line of cars in the big parking lot.
First, we checked in with the volunteers, and they put sticky notes on our windshield so that they could tell how many people in the car would take the shots.
(For example, if there were three people in the car, they would put on three sticky notes.)
Then, when we got to the gate… The super-hyper nurse gave us a big warm welcome♬
We were asked if we had any allergies to medications.
(We were a bit surprised because she came so close to us💦)
We were told to open the doors, and two nurses came and gave us shots from both sides of the car simultaneously. Very smooth operation!
They played upbeat rock music inside the tent♪
When everything was done, we stayed in the parking lot for about 15 minutes to see if we were ok. We had to monitor the time ourselves.
We were told to honk to let them know if we started to feel sick.
In the lot, they were playing reggae music giving us a feeling that we were at an outdoor music festival.
Luckily, we didn’t have any adverse reactions, so we left for home. Here is the vaccination card.
Since the second vaccination appointment was already made automatically by their computer system, all we need to do is to go to the same site again.
Our COVID-19 Online Registration and Drive-Thru Vaccination Experience
DAL: Well, finally, we could make our appointment. We got our first vaccination last weekend.
LUNA: How did you make an appointment?
DAL: Just going online a lot. Once our age group became eligible, we could register to get a vaccination. I went online and kept looking at the government site and other sites that showed local places we could possibly go to see if there was an opening. I was doing it for days after our age group opened up, but nothing was available for a while.
So, I checked with my co-workers. Some of them already were of age and got it but they also had a hard time finding places. They said that you have to be persistent and keep checking and something eventually will pop up. Unfortunately, some people had to resort to finding places that were pretty far away from where they live to get vaccinated. If you are willing to drive a long distance, you can do it. I had a friend who had to drive over 50 miles to get a vaccine. Luckily, I could find an appointment that was close to us, just a couple of miles away.
Another thing I noticed was that it depends on who you signed up with, the information you give out varies. The vaccination site I registered with wanted only our general information like our names, phone number, email address, place of residence and our date of birth, just to make sure we fit the window of eligibility and they sent us a confirmation right away. Some of my friends said that they had to give their health insurance info to get the vaccine at certain sites tied to and administered by some kinds of business even though the vaccine is free for everybody. I think different situations for different people.
LUNA: How was the vaccination site? How did it go?
DAL: Actually, it went very well. Once we got registered, it became very easy. The reason why was that the place we went to was an outdoor Drive-Thru site, and it was so well-organized. The site had a huge parking lot, and we basically just followed the staff directing the traffic through the lot. We stopped at the check point to show our IDs to make sure we were in the required group and were registered to be there. When we got to the vaccination station, a nurse came up to us and asked if we were allergic to any medications. Then, they vaccinated us. When we were done, they told us to park in another parking lot to wait about 15 minutes to see if we have any adverse side effects. After some time, we felt that we were ok. So, we went home. Very fast and efficient process, actually it turned out to be a pleasant experience.
LUNA: I see. Thank you.
DAL: やっと予約を取ることができました。先週末、私達は最初のワクチンを受けました。
LUNA: どうやって予約を取ったのですか?
DAL: とにかく何回もコンピューターをチェックしました。自分の年齢枠が接種対象になったらすぐに、ワクチンを受ける予約ができました。コンピューターで政府やその他のウェブサイトを見て、自分達が行かれそうな地元の会場にあきがあるか何度もチェックしました。私達の年齢枠が解禁になってから数日間ずっと探していましたが、しばらくは何も見つかりませんでした。
LUNA: ワクチン接種会場はどうでしたか? どんな様子でしたか?
DAL: 実は、かなり上手くいきました。いったん登録すると、その後はとても簡単でした。なぜかというと、私達が行った場所は屋外のドライブスルー会場で、非常に分かりやすく準備されていたからです。会場には大きな駐車場があり、基本的に私達は車を誘導してくれるスタッフの指示に従うだけで全てすみました。チェックポイントで止まり身分証明書を見せて、接種資格のあるグループに属しているか、きちんと予約登録しているかを確認してもらいました。ワクチン接種をする場所に到着すると、看護師が来て薬剤アレルギーがないかきいてくれます。それから、ワクチンを受けました。終了後は、副反応などが無いか確認するため、別の駐車場で15分間 待機するよう言われました。しばらくして、大丈夫だったので、家に帰りました。一連の作業は、とても迅速で効率が良く、実のところ快適な体験となりました。
Drive-Thru:Drive-Through のこと
*他にも because を b/c と書いたり、with を w/ と書いたりして 省略する書き方があります。
get a vaccination:ワクチン接種をする
get vaccinated:ワクチンを打ってもらう
get a vaccine:ワクチンを受ける
make an appointment:予約する
eligible:資格のある(名詞は eligibility:適任)
resort to~:~に頼る(最終的な手段として使う)
be willing to~:快く~する
sign up:(署名して参加を)申し込む
give out:外に出す
be allergic to ~:~にアレルギーがある
*drug は嗜好品の「ドラッグ」のイメージがあるため、ネイティブ同士でも会話でつかうと誤解することがあります。処方薬は medication をつかうほうが一般的です。medicine は「医学・内科」という意味でつかうことが多く、薬を意味する場合は、薬局で誰でも買える一般的な医薬品のイメージがあります。
side effect:副作用、副次的な影響